Israel zwischen den Mächten. Festschrift für Stefan Timm zum 65. Geburtstag. (AOAT 364)
Michael Pietsch, Friedhelm Hartenstein
ISBN: 978-3-86835-025-8
Pub: 2009
x + 486 pp.
The primary goal of this volume is to present the godlists that are known from Old Babylonian Nippur, specifically those which are housed in the Babylonian Section of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. It also aims to establish that a notably diverse variety of godlists, including the Nippur godlist, a possible duplicate of the socalled 'Genouillac godlist' and perhaps the socalled 'Weidner godlist,' as well as several other unparalleled godlists, were in various degrees of circulation at Old Babylonian Nippur. ... The commentary that is furnished in this edition focuses primarily on establishing the proper reading of the respective divine name if ambiguities exist, and, to a secondary extent, to document other attestations of the divine name in question, with an emphasis on the contemporary period and locale.
ISBN: 978-3-86835-025-8
Pub: 2009
x + 486 pp.
The primary goal of this volume is to present the godlists that are known from Old Babylonian Nippur, specifically those which are housed in the Babylonian Section of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. It also aims to establish that a notably diverse variety of godlists, including the Nippur godlist, a possible duplicate of the socalled 'Genouillac godlist' and perhaps the socalled 'Weidner godlist,' as well as several other unparalleled godlists, were in various degrees of circulation at Old Babylonian Nippur. ... The commentary that is furnished in this edition focuses primarily on establishing the proper reading of the respective divine name if ambiguities exist, and, to a secondary extent, to document other attestations of the divine name in question, with an emphasis on the contemporary period and locale.