Warenkorb 0
Ugarit-Forschungen 48 (2017)
Studia Mesopotamica 4 (2017)
Naga Skulptur. (ArS 1)
Economy of Religions in Anatolia and Northern Syria: From the Early Second to the Middle of the First Millennium BCE (AOAT 467)
Awīlum ša la mašê – man who cannot be forgotten. Studies in Honor of Prof. Stefan Zawadzki presented on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. (AOAT 463)
Changing Faces of Kingship in Syria-Palestine 1500-500 BCE. (AOAT 459)
Sea and the Combat Myth: North West Semitic Political Mythology in the Hebrew Bible. (AOAT 457)
Sexualität und Sklaverei (Kongress in Graz 2016). (AOAT 456)
Enemies of Assyria. The image and role of enemy in Assyrian royal inscriptions and selected textual sources from the Neo-Assyrian period. (AOAT 452)
Animal Offerings and Cultic Calendar in the Neo-Babylonian Sippar. (AOAT 451)
Griechischer Mythos und der Orient. Studien zu Ikonographie und Inhalt mythischer Überlieferung. (AOAT 450)
Papyrus Amherst 63. (AOAT 448)
Therapeutic Prescriptions against Fever in Ancient Mesopotamia. (AOAT 447)
Questions, Approaches, and Dialogues in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology Studies in Honor of Marie-Henriette and Charles Gates. (AOAT 445)
What’s in a Name? Terminology Related to the Work Force and Job Categories in the Ancient Near East. (AOAT 440)
Conceptualizing Past, Present and Future. (MS 9)
The Neo-Babylonian Royal Inscriptions. (GMTR 4)
Settlement History around the Sea of Galilee from the Neolithic to the Persian Period. (ÄAT 86)
Ancient Mesopotamian Religion. A Descriptive Introduction.
Das Skarabäusmotiv auf Siegelamuletten aus Palästina/Israel. (AOAT 444)
Organization, Administrative Practices and Written Documentation in Mesopotamia during the Ur III Period (c. 2112–2004 BC). (KEF 3)
Das Beerscheba-Tal zur Zeit der Könige Judas. (AOAT 442)
From the Four Corners of the Earth. (AOAT 441)
The Cultural Manifestations of Religious Experience. Studies in Honour of Boyo G. Ockinga. (ÄAT 85)