Wahrheit und Trug. Untersuchungen zur altorientalischen Begriffsgeschichte. (AOAT 348)
Kai Lämmerhirt
ISBN: 978-3-86835-005-0
Pub: 2010
926 pp.
Kai Lämmerhirt examines the Sumerian and the Akkadian antonyms which are used to denote “truth” and “lie”, occupying central positions within the value system of the Ancient Near East. His study is based in the realm of wortfeldforschung. In particular Sumerian zi(-d), ge(-n), si sa2, lul and Akkadian k-w-n, j-š-r, s-r-r, the bases themselves as well as their derivations are juxtaposed. An extensive collection of excerpts enables an in-depth study of the contexts.
ISBN: 978-3-86835-005-0
Pub: 2010
926 pp.
Kai Lämmerhirt examines the Sumerian and the Akkadian antonyms which are used to denote “truth” and “lie”, occupying central positions within the value system of the Ancient Near East. His study is based in the realm of wortfeldforschung. In particular Sumerian zi(-d), ge(-n), si sa2, lul and Akkadian k-w-n, j-š-r, s-r-r, the bases themselves as well as their derivations are juxtaposed. An extensive collection of excerpts enables an in-depth study of the contexts.