Les bibliothèques en Babylonie dans la deuxième moitié du Ier millénaire av. J.-C. (AOAT 363)
Philippe Clancier
ISBN: 978-3-86835-020-3
Pub: 2009
493 pp.
Clancier examines history, structure, and development of Late Babylonian libraries in Uruk and Babylon . The first part it devoted to the libraries of the “ashipu priests” and of the “descents of Sin-leqe-unninni” in Uruk. The second part concentrates on the library of Marduk’s Esagil Temple in Babylon, especially on the tablets now preserved in the British Museum . Both surveys are backgrounded by an overview of the history of excavation of the metropolises. Part three explores the significance of this “first age of encyclopaedism” within the context of Sumero-Akkadian culture. Extensive appendices and indices will enable Near Eastern scholars explore the wealth of information provided by this manual.
ISBN: 978-3-86835-020-3
Pub: 2009
493 pp.
Clancier examines history, structure, and development of Late Babylonian libraries in Uruk and Babylon . The first part it devoted to the libraries of the “ashipu priests” and of the “descents of Sin-leqe-unninni” in Uruk. The second part concentrates on the library of Marduk’s Esagil Temple in Babylon, especially on the tablets now preserved in the British Museum . Both surveys are backgrounded by an overview of the history of excavation of the metropolises. Part three explores the significance of this “first age of encyclopaedism” within the context of Sumero-Akkadian culture. Extensive appendices and indices will enable Near Eastern scholars explore the wealth of information provided by this manual.