Aspekte der Herrschaft und der Herrscherdarstellungen in Elam im 2. Jt. v. Chr. (AOAT 356)
Behzad Mofidi-Nasrabadi
ISBN: 978-3-86835-013-6
Pub: 2009
104 pp.
Mofidi-Nasrabadi puzzles together the complicated chronology of Elam during the 2. mill. B.C.E. The reconstructed sequence of events and rulers serves as background for the analysis of the imagery of the rulers as it is witnessed in their own statues and seals as well as those of their entourages.
ISBN: 978-3-86835-013-6
Pub: 2009
104 pp.
Mofidi-Nasrabadi puzzles together the complicated chronology of Elam during the 2. mill. B.C.E. The reconstructed sequence of events and rulers serves as background for the analysis of the imagery of the rulers as it is witnessed in their own statues and seals as well as those of their entourages.