Ugarit-Forschungen 46 (2016)

Ugarit-Forschungen 46 (2016)


Manfried Dietrich, Ingo Kottsieper


This years volume of Ugarit-Forschungen again bears witness of wide range of Ancient Levantine and Ancient Eastern Mediterranean scholarship. Archaeological reports present excavations on Cyprus (Pyla-Kokkinokrimos), ossuaries from the Chalcolithic Peqi'in Cave and Canaanite Scarabs from Kherbit el-Jami'. A paleographical study examines the ductus of monumental northwest Semitic inscriptions. And contributions on the relationship of the gods Milkom and El and on Horon and Seth enrich our knowledge of the history of Near Eastern religion.



Bibliographische Angaben

Jahrbuch: UF 46


ISBN:  978-3-86835-181-1

Erscheinungsjahr: 2016


Seitenanzahl: viii + 544 pp.


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