Phoenician Identity in Context: Material Cultural Koiné in the Iron Age Levant. (AOAT 469)

Phoenician Identity in Context: Material Cultural Koiné in the Iron Age Levant. (AOAT 469)


Angelika Berlejung, Jan Dietrich, Enrique Jiménez


Meir Edrey


Phoenician culture was that of autonomous city-states. Indeed, the Phoenicians seem to have zealously held on to this Bronze Age social structure long after it gave way to nationalism and statehood in the southern Levant. Modern scholars often tend to emphasize the regional and individual nature of each Phoenician city to a point that some even question whether the Phoenicians can be referred to as an ethnic unit. As Aubet (2001: 9) stated, the Phoenicians were “a people without a state, without territory and without political unity.” In this study, the author aims at examining this very issue through an analysis of the Phoenicians in the eastern Mediterranean during the Iron Age I-III, ca. 1200-332 BCE, the zenith of the Phoenician civilization. By analyzing various aspects of the material culture which were unique to the Phoenicians throughout the periods in question, the author shall attempt to identify a ‘Phoenician koiné’, i.e. a shared material culture which reflected a common ethnic, religious, cultic, and social identity (Burke 2008: 160), which developed despite the lack of political unity.


Bibliographische Angaben

Reihe + Nummer: AOAT 469


ISBN: 978-3-86835-282-5


Erscheinungsjahr: 2020


Seitenanzahl: vi + 378 pp.


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